Sustainability Report 2015: Indaver demonstrates its added value

In its Sustainability Report 2015 Indaver shows the role it is playing in achieving the circular economy. In 2015 it laid the foundations for further growth while maintaining sustainability as its core business.

Waste management

In 2015 Indaver provided a solution for over 5 million (5 003 461) tonnes of waste. Of which 3.4 million tonnes was treated in Indaver owned installations in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Ireland; 1.3 million was managed through  trading and 0.3 million was managed through transfer.

Circular economy

The ‘green’ thread running through the report is the way in which Indaver helps to achieve the circular economy. It does so by securing the materials chain, with the destruction or isolation of harmful components in residual waste in high-tech installations. In addition, it supplies high-grade materials to the circular economy, by recovering components from waste as new feedstock, down to a molecular level. In 2015 it recovered 1.2 million tonnes of material and, from the thermal treatment of waste, energy for 255 000 households.


Also in 2015 Indaver made safety a priority. The safety campaign that Indaver launched two years ago – which included an intensive awareness campaign, safety tours and encouraging a culture of feedback among colleagues – is starting to bear fruit. In 2015 the safety trend for Indaver improved further, and it scored better than average among the waste companies. The safety index was 4.2.


In 2015 Indaver had 1 687 employees, who received a total of 57 869 hours of training. We believe it is essential to invest in our people, because it is they who come up with and apply the innovative solutions whereby we make the difference for the customer and for society. Also in 2015 Indaver continued to work on its strategy of sustainable employability in order to retain the knowledge built up in the organisation and to help keep employees in work for longer. The average age of our personnel is now 43.9, with an average of 11.6 years of service.

Glimpse of the future

The report goes into more depth on events and decisions that will have an impact on the future of Indaver, such as the new majority shareholder Katoen Natie, the announced development of ten factories for plastics recycling in Europe, the strengthening of the operations of Indaver Impex in the United Kingdom, and the licence application for a new waste-to-energy installation in Cork, Ireland.

Sound basis for future growth

Over the past three years Indaver has achieved stable growth in challenging economic circumstances. In 2015 Indaver achieved a turnover of EUR 554 million and an EBITDA of EUR 108 million. The sound financial basis and available cash flows create the opportunity to realise new investments and growth projects.

Interactive PDF

The Sustainability Report 2015 was constructed with the help of five Ps, our principles for sustainable enterprise: Policy, People, Planet, Partnerships and Prosperity. Each chapter is introduced by a vision statement, in which – for each principle – we explain how Indaver is making a difference with its operations on that particular parameter of sustainability. The report can be viewed on Indaver’s corporate website, in PDF format. The PDF is interactive: readers can navigate through the document by clicking.

Read Indaver’s Sustainability Report 2015 here.

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