Her Royal Highness Princess Astrid, Princess of Belgium, marked the start of construction of the £600 million Rivenhall Integrated Waste Management Facility (IWMF) and Energy Centre project in Essex, England
Over 250 guests attended from across the world. HRH Princess Astrid and Ministers were welcomed by Fernand Huts, President of Katoen Natie Group, Paul De Bruycker, CEO of Indaver Group, Karl Huts CFO of Indaver Group and Fabian Leroy, President of the Board of Directors of Indaver.
Paul De Bruycker, CEO of Indaver Group, addressed the attendees with a speech about Indaver’s role in the sustainable waste management and where the plans for the project fits into the wider circular economy. The capital cost of the project will be over £600 million.
During the event guests took a fleet of 4-wheel drive vehicles guided tour around the entire site to fully understand the magnitude and importance of the project.
Construction is well underway with the excavation of 3 million tonnes of soil already completed. The project development works are already ahead of schedule.
The 595,000-tonnes-a-year Waste-to-Energy facility will form part of the larger Integrated Waste Management Facility in Rivenhall, Essex which has planning permission for 853,000 tonnes of waste treatment facilities. The project will create 65 fulltime jobs locally and over 500 jobs during construction which will contribute greatly to the local economy. The Integrated Waste Management Facility (IWMF) will be Indaver’s first Waste-to-Energy facility in England.
Following the completion of the site development works, Swiss-based Hitachi Zosen Inova (HZI) will start works on the Energy from Waste part of the project. HZI’s works on site will commence in the second half of 2022 and will be completed during the first quarter of 2026.
After the ceremonial speech, the guests were addressed by Jan Jambon, Minister-President of the Government of Flanders. He announced an art exhibition organised by the Phoebus Foundation Chancellery supported by the Katoen Natie Group and sponsored by Indaver which will be held during the last quarter of 2022 in Gainsborough House in Suffolk, England. The late 19th early 20th century paintings by James Ensor, Leon Spilliaert, Emile Claus, Rik Wouters, Gustave Van se Woestyne and other which will be exhibited in the duration of 4 months have never before been shown outside of Flanders.
Indaver CEO Paul De Bruycker: "We are proud to be able to lay the foundation stone for a new Waste-to-Energy facility here today in the presence of Princess Astrid. By recovering as much energy and valuable materials as possible from waste, Indaver, as waste management company, is committed to the circular economy. In the green technology company Hitachi Zosen Inova, we have found a suitable and experienced partner for the construction of this new waste-to-energy plant."
Press contact
Inge Baertsoen, corporate communications, E-mail: inge.baertsoen(at)indaver(dot)com, M: +32(0)497970570
About Indaver
Indaver offers high-quality, sustainable and cost-efficient waste management solutions to large scale industry, public authorities and waste collection companies. With over 30 years expertise and a wide range of treatment facilities and processing capabilities, they offer tailored solutions for a wide range of municipal, commercial and industrial waste streams. Indaver currently has facilities and operations in Belgium, Germany, Ireland, France, the Netherlands and Portugal. The company is currently developing waste treatment infrastructure in other European countries, including the United Kingdom.
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