Cooperation to make a difference

The solutions demanded by the circular economy need to derive from different areas. That is why in 2015 Indaver continued to actively work on raising awareness of the importance of sustainable waste management.

Remediation project

Indaver realises that it can make a real difference by working closely with authorities, manufacturers, waste management companies, research establishments, consumers and citizens. In 2015 Indaver was involved  in one of the largest remediation projects in Europe, in Bonfol, Switzerland, where remediation is being carried out on a hazardous waste landfill site. This project will be completed in 2016.


Test case

We share our knowledge with industry, policymakers and educational establishments. We are looking for associates in our own industry and across industrial sectors as a whole, developing innovative working projects in consortia. We cooperate with research and knowledge centres. Thus the Indaver site in Antwerp has been a test case since late 2015 for a new technology for recovering industrial heat from the Qpinch plant, in collaboration with Ghent University Department of Sustainable Organic Chemistry and Technology.

Finger on the pulse

Due to the nature of Indaver’s operations and those of Katoen Natie, our sole shareholder, we are able to keep our finger on the pulse of economic activities. Indaver will thus develop ten new facilities to treat lightly contaminated plastics supported by Katoen Natie. Each facility, which has the capacity to treat 100,000 tonnes of mixed or lightly contaminated plastics, will cost 80 million euros and provide employment for 40 people.


Sharing knowledge with customers

Indaver makes the knowledge it possesses available to its customers and society in order to develop sustainable systems. In 2015, Indaver supported its customers in the healthcare industry with a series of newsletters with relevant information on how they should deal with medical waste. We also developed a step-by-step guide for our customers regarding the safe packaging and loading of waste to ensure compliance with the strict transport regulations. 


Dialogue with the world

We conduct a fully transparent dialogue with the world, and we are open to questions and comments from authorities, neighbours, students and concerned citizens. Open days like the one in Antwerp in 2015 are the ideal opportunity to allow stakeholders a glance behind the scenes. On the occasion of the official opening of the Bio Power Alphen digester, in April there was also a mini-symposium on VGF (Vegetables, Garden and Fruit) waste from high-rise buildings.


Sustainability Report

The Sustainability Report can be viewed in PDF format on Indaver’s corporate website. This PDF document is interactive: readers can click to navigate it, follow external links or go to Indaver’s regional websites.

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