7-9 September: ISWA World Congress in Antwerp

This is an annual meeting for the world of waste management that's not to be missed: the International Solid Waste Association's, ISWA World Congress. This year it will be held in Antwerp from the 7th to the 9th of September. Indaver is helping to organise it and is sharing its expertise in the field of waste-to-energy.

So why Antwerp?

After Vienna in 2013 and Sao Paolo in 2014 it's now Antwerp's turn to host the ISWA congress. And that's no coincidence. Flanders is a shining example in the field of waste and materials management. Best practices and leading technologies are clearly demonstrated by the waste management companies that are active in and around Antwerp, the third largest port in Europe and the second largest petrochemicals zone in the world. This is also of the case for  Indaver, who is co-organizer of the congress.

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