Knowledge and Thought Leadership

Knowledge sharing is one of Indaver’s priority strategic competences. We understand and value the importance of knowledge and thought leadership for our customers, our people and the waste industry as a whole. Indaver’s research activities are integrated in our company structure, using multidisciplinary knowledge sharing teams. We exchange this knowledge, internally and with third parties, in order to continuously improve and innovate our service offering.

Knowledge climate

We create a knowledge environment in which employees deepen their knowledge and share their expertise. This stimulates creativity and leads to innovative ideas in order to improve its operations and to recover even more materials and energy. These ideas are tested on the grounds of feasibility, usefulness for customers, durability and risks before being applied.

Research and Development

Indaver invests in research and development so that it always sets the standard for waste management. Indaver employees are trained with the idea of continuous improvement and to experiment with new ideas of their own. Innovativeness may not only be found in its installations, but also in its processes, services and systems.

Innovating across the regions

In the International Operational Competence Centres (IOCC) that operate across all the Indaver regions, internal knowledge and experience is collected, developed and shared in order to further improve our processes. New technological advances are monitored and new ideas are developed.

  • The IOCC that deals with the management of residues is studying which raw materials can be extracted from the residues from thermal treatment and how they may be used.
  • The IOCC for energy and climate is studying how waste-to-energy can increase the percentage of renewable energy in energy supply.

Industrial sector organisations and working parties

Indaver represents itself as much as possible in relevant sector organisations. In this way it strives to be visible and exert an influence on relevant matters. Indaver has an authoritative voice in the debate on sustainable materials and waste management. It is highly visible in technical and policy arenas where it shares its knowledge with third parties. 

Workshops, training courses and seminars

Indaver shares its knowledge with the sector, researchers, policy-makers, educational institutions and stakeholders. Indaver employees visit schools to talk about their career and students can visit the site. Indaver also attends job fairs and other events where companies exhibit to potential employees.

Site visits and open days

Open days and site visits are an ideal opportunity in all regions to allow Indaver’s stakeholders a glimpse behind the scenes and give Indaver a chance to profile itself as the partner of choice for waste management.

Neighbourhood council sessions and consultative forums

Indaver strives to provide transparent communication. Neighbourhood council sessions and consultative forums are valuable forums in which Indaver meets companies, environmental organisations, neighbours and local authorities. Indaver listens to questions, provides information rapidly during incidents and gives systematic updates about new projects. Indaver has neighbourhood council sessions and consultative forums with stakeholders in Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands  and Ireland.

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