
The knowledge, experience and commitment of our employees make Indaver a company that has sustainable development of the business and innovation as its trademark. Therefore we invest continuously in developing our employees and leaders and encourage knowledge sharing.

A stable and well-trained workforce

  • Number of employees: 1,837 employees in the Indaver Group as of 31 December 2019.
  • Training: Indaver believes that continuously investing in its employees enhances the strength, flexibility and performance of the company.

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Knowledge and thought leadership

Knowledge sharing is one of Indaver’s priority strategic competences. We understand and value the importance of knowledge and thought leadership for our customers, our people and the waste industry as a whole. Indaver’s research activities are integrated in our company structure, using multidisciplinary knowledge sharing teams. We exchange this knowledge, internally and with third parties, in order to continuously improve and innovate our service offering.

Through workshops, training courses and seminars Indaver has a voice in the debate on sustainable materials and waste management. It is highly visible in technical and policy arenas where it shares its knowledge with third parties, for example in industrial sector organisations. Open days and site visits are an ideal opportunity in all regions to allow Indaver’s stakeholders a glimpse behind the scenes and give Indaver a chance to profile itself as the partner of choice for waste management. Indaver strives to provide transparent communication always and everywhere. Neighbourhood council sessions and consultative forums embody its ‘ensuring transparency in communications and actions’ core value.

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Safety first at Indaver

For Indaver, the safety of its employees, but also of those involved directly or indirectly in its operations, is an absolute priority. This is consistent with our core value of ‘concern for people, safety and the environment’.

For Indaver, health and safety working comes first. We offer the requisite safety training courses and health checks. We provide protective equipment and ensure that facilities are safe and fit working environments. We encourage a critical culture in which we urge employees to suggest improvements and to challenge others on unsafe behaviour. Management engage in safety discussions with their teams. This intensive campaign is producing positive results.

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