Press release September 16 th, 2014: DELTA wishes to enable further growth to take place in Indaver and is investigating selling its shares in Indaver

DELTA investigates selling its 75 % stake in Belgian waste treatment company Indaver. Morgan Stanley is assisting DELTA in this as its financial adviser. By selling its shares in Indaver, DELTA will be able to improve its debt position substantially and thus lay down a solid foundation for the future. For Indaver attracting a new shareholder offers it scope to continue to pursue its international growth strategy.

Over the years and with full support from its shareholders, Indaver has already carved out a strong European position for itself in waste management and treatment for businesses and public authorities.

Arnoud Kamerbeek, DELTA CEO: ‘DELTA sees the sale of its shares in Indaver as a logical step forward in its strategy. The proceeds from the eventual sale will enable a substantial improvement to be achieved in its debt position and DELTA has the power and flexibility to strengthen its short and long-term position in the energy and multimedia markets. Selling looks like a good option for Indaver too. There are substantial opportunities for growth and capital will be required to fund this. It is quite obvious that a new shareholder will be better able to facilitate this growth than DELTA with its Zeeland-based public sector shareholders.’

Over the years Indaver with support from DELTA and its other shareholders has been able to carve out a strong position in integrated waste management for businesses and public authorities. This has enabled Indaver to acquire a major stake in treatment facilities for industrial and hazardous waste in Germany, taking it to number 1 in Europe for thermal treatment of this waste. DELTA Milieu operations in the Netherlands have been integrated into Indaver and its position has been extended further with the construction of a new fermentation facility in the Dutch district of Alphen aan den Rijn. In Ireland the first waste-to-energy facility was built in County Meath and other potential projects are assessed. A new facility has been built at our Antwerp site in for treating medical waste. In addition to this Indaver has managed to implement continuous improvements in all its facilities. 


Paul De Bruycker, Indaver CEO: ‘With the support of its shareholders Indaver has been able to carve out a strong position for itself and is grateful to its shareholders for the support. Indaver is looking forward with complete confidence to the sale of DELTA shares in Indaver and has managed to be well prepared for it during the past period. Indaver has a clear strategy and geographic focus in view and has developed strong business models. In order to be able to offer its industrial customers a sustained high-quality service, Indaver intends to carry on fulfilling its leading role in Europe by providing a sustainable industrial and hazardous waste management and treatment service. For public authorities Indaver intends to offer a further sustainable service in Belgium, the Netherlands and Ireland and is looking into opportunities for expanding this service into the other countries where it operates. Indaver intends to continue this process from its strong Flemish roots, while keeping the knowledge and expertise centre in Flanders. Indaver wishes to assist public authorities and businesses in Europe in making the change to a circular economy. “


About Indaver:

Indaver, with its 1,700 employees, manages around 5 million tonnes of waste a year. Indaver achieved sales of 526 million euros in 2013. Indaver operates a installations on 32 locations in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Ireland, Portugal and Italy and operates commercially throughout Europe. Indaver supplies energy to homes and businesses, enough to provide for the energy needs of 240,000 households.

DELTA owns 75% of the shares, “Vlaamse Milieu Holding” has 16% of the shares and a group of 6 businesses has 9% of the shares.

About DELTA: 


DELTA is a multi-utility company that supplies energy, infrastructure and environmental services as well as digital services such as Internet, telephony and radio and TV. The majority of customers have several of our products. DELTA has business operations both domestically and abroad in waste processing, energy and digital services.



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