Indaver recorded very good results in 2013: a robust foundation for additional growth!

Sustainability Report 2013 on line


Results 2013

  • Total volume of waste managed: 5,149,624 tonnes
  • Total volume in- house processing: 3,517,552 tonnes
  • Annual production of energy providing the equivalent of 240,000 families with electricity
  • Total number of personnel: 1665 employees
  • Operating revenue: 526 EUR million, profit after tax: 40 EUR million
  • Operating revenue in Belgium 207 EUR million, in Germany 130 EUR million, in the Netherlands 110 EUR million, in Ireland/ UK 72 EUR million, in other European countries 7 EUR million

Indaver recorded very good results in 2013. Allowing for the particularly challenging economic environment, this provides a robust foundation for additional growth. With the support of our shareholders (DELTA, the Flemish Environmental Holding and a group of industrial shareholders), Indaver continues to expand its activities within Europe. Indaver is currently active in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Ireland& the UK. All business regions makes a substantial contribution to the result. Indaver is also active in other European countries such as Portugal and Italy.

Indaver has a clear strategy: to operate specialised facilities and to manage intelligent waste management systems focusing on sustainable material and energy management. We treat industrial waste, hazardous waste, household refuse and commercial waste and biowaste. Recovery of materials and energy in full compliance with the strictest environmental standards is key.

More than five million tonnes of waste are managed each year by Indaver, the bulk of which is recycled to produce energy and materials. Indaver regards waste as a valuable raw material. Taking a holistic view of waste management, the company is helping to create a society in which materials form a sustainable, closed cycle: a circular economy.

Indaver develops innovative service provision concepts to suit its clients, Total Waste Management for industrial businesses and Public waste PartnershipS for municipal authorities.

Indaver aims to be the leading service provider for the management of hazardous waste in Europe. To achieve this, the company is systematically increasing its processing capacity and commercial activities throughout Europe, through organic growth and carefully considered acquisitions. It is also building new systems for dedicated molecule recovery.

Paul De Bruycker, CEO: ‘In the past our primary focus was on neutralising hazardous waste, usually by breaking down molecules in a chemical process. Today, our focus is on which components/ molecules in waste streams have sufficient value to be recovered, in a safe and economically viable way. Indaver is also working to further optimise its waste-to-energy capacity, by developing its facilities and investing in increasing the recovery percentage for residual fractions. Together with our customers, we are bringing a sustainable circular economy a step closer every day.’

Indaver has a proven track record in helping countries to develop a sustainable waste management system. Indaver strongly believes it can support the further development of the waste management systems for municipalities and support the achievement of the sustainability targets.

With our annual Sustainability Report we present our results in line with our core value, demonstrating concern for people, safety and the environment:


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